September 30, 2012

Blueberry Rant

I love blueberries, fresh ones. They are my favourite fruit (well, one of my favourite fruits) but their season is quite short and even when they are in season, are expensive. I've been paying about $5 / punnet so when I saw them at Coles today for $3.50 I got so excited and bought two punnets. They  looked beautiful and fresh. But I have been deceived. They are incredibly sour. I have eaten about 10 in the hopes that the next one will be better, but without luck :(

What does one do with 2 punnets of sour blueberries? D suggested I sprinkle sugar or icing sugar over them to sweeten them up.


  1. Blueberry crumble? If you stew them with some sugar and vanilla then that should take away some of the sourness.

  2. Excellent idea, thanks Cabaret! I love a good crumble. I think I'll do it tomorrow for afternoon tea/ dessert :)
