April 27, 2013

Weekend Ritual

Do you have a weekend or maybe even a weekday ritual or habit? Our household has a lazy Saturday morning policy. We wake up,  head downstairs for breakfast and park ourselves on the couch until late morning where we then get lunch together.

Our couch time is when D and I chat, go over our week just passed and the week to come, surf the net, watch terrible morning shows and generally laze and relax. Maddy happily joins us and usually snuggles and naps with us.

I love our Saturday mornings.

April 21, 2013

Great Expectations

I am officially losing my mind. Every second of every minute of every day all I think about is the wedding. What will go right,  what will go wrong, what its going to be like,  who will wear what, who will say what. Yeah.  Crazy talk in over drive.

There's just so much pressure for everything to be perfect. The perfect dress,  hair,  make up, cake, music, speech, vows, weather, everything.

I have learnt to accept that not everything will be perfect and to not care what goes wrong. It's all out of my control anyway. As long as at the end of the day both D and I are married and happy,  nothing else matters.

Then there's this other expectation you see in photos, movies,  magazines, read in books,  hear in conversations: that it has to be the best day of your life. What if it isn't? I will be happy and full of love but that won't necessarily mean it's the best day of my life. Does that mean I fail as a bride?

I don't like fuss and attention and I love and genuinely enjoy the little things in life. Like the warm sun on my skin,  cuddles and snuggles with maddy. Heart to heart conversations with D and noisy family dinners.

To date the best day of my life would be the day we took maddy home. The love and awe I felt for this tiny puppy in my lap was so overwhelming.

Will our wedding match up to that? I know I need to stop thinking. Stop comparing. And really,  just stop caring and go with the flow. But it's much easier said than done.

I love autumn!

My favourite time of the year! The days are bright, warm, sunny and just beautiful. The nights are crisp and perfect for snuggling. I have been having endless cups of tea and snuggling with the little critter below all weekend with sessions of sun baking every now and then to soak up some vitamin D.

Less than a month till our wedding now! I'm in two minds. One minute I am calm, happy, excited. The next I am anxious, edgy and irritated! I'm hoping on the day I will be the former!

Went to the alteration place yesterday to get it taken up. Pleased to say that although I have put on a bit of weight lately I still fit and the weight doesn't show yay. The more I look at and put on my dress the more I love it. It's so me. Hope D loves it just as much.