August 23, 2012


Woke up this morning and didn't think I could move! In pain from my STRENGTH TRAINING yesterday! It actually got worse as the day went on. Was thinking of going to yoga but I can't even hold my arms up straight! I'll go for a run/cycle on the weekend.

Today was also the first time I've felt natural warmth in a long, long time! It was lovely! Apart from the fact that our office still had heating on and it was unbelievably stuffy.

This is my puppy Maddy being a cutie pie! I luff her so much! She is poking out from under our chest of drawers - her favourite hiding/ playing spot. It's her FIRST birthday on Saturday! Very exciting.


  1. The pain the next day lets you know you did a good job! Keep it up :D

    Maddy is simply gorgeous. Very cute!

  2. Thanks! She is very cute, gets away with everything!
