August 22, 2012

la Orana!

I greet you in Tahitian as that is where we are going for our honeymoon! We have booked and fully paid it off - 6 nights in an over water bungalow at the Le Meridien Bora Bora! Bliss. They have their own sea turtle sanctuary! Excited would be an understatement, it also means I will need to start gathering beach clothes! Bikinis and kaftans mostly. I have plenty of dresses which I can wear for both day and night.

I had a bit of a rough start to my day today, woke up nauseous from reflux (I've felt it coming on the last few days). Dry retched a few times - gross! But forced myself to have breakfast, popped a Zantac and was better for the rest of the day. Think I'll pop another one before bed tonight, a repeat of this morning is not welcome!

On the upside, I started my STRENGTH TRAINING today! I say that in capitals because anyone who knows me, knows I'm not a fan of heavy lifting / manual labour! Lucky I have a pretty clever / encouraging / supportive trainer! I can't remember my exact stats but I could bench and squat 15kg and did a few other things. Looking forward to being fit and STRONG!! Would love to be able to handle a full basket of groceries without struggling, or to be able to lift our crazy, heavy cast iron wok with one arm! Those are my goals! Will be eating extra healthy (I already eat healthy) to complement my new regime!

Off to eat some apple slices for dessert now! Adieu xo 


  1. Replies
    1. It looks spectacular and I've been told pictures don't do it justice!
